Permanent magic items in Eradu are rarely all beneficial. The binding of spells and patchwork essence invariably brings with it some (usually) unforseen side effects. Here are a few examples.
Casimiro [+3 hard steel longsword]
A longsword with outstanding damage capabilities and a temper to match. Casimiro speaks and cheers on the warrior who wields him - "excellent strike!", "spill his fetid blood upon the ground!", and so on. When a damage die penetrates, roll two penetrating d8s instead of just one. The GM should note each time this happens. When the wielder rolls a natural "1" on attack, Casmiro will punish the wielder by causing the next attacks to strike the wielder (cas d20+3 attack, wielder d8+mods defense) causing damage equal to 1d8+ the number of bonus damage dice from penetration. This will be accompanied by taunts and general distainful remarks - "You have the finess of a boar!", "You disgrace your people!", and the like. Once the punishment has completed, though, Casimiro will apologize and cajole and continue to battle on.
Crown of Bone and Flame
While anyone could conceivably wear this, it is designed for mages and other arcane casters. It is the twisted spine of some Patchwork creature (although some claim it was forged from the bones of a Mind Wizard) that is terrible in form and deceptive in purpose. If worn, the crown will drive deep into the skull of the one who wears it becoming a permanent thing (-3 to Charisma or Looks, but a +20% chance of actions based on intimidation). Any spell cast by the bearer of this crown has a reduced spell point cost of 10% but at a 15% reduction in any Experience or Karma gained. As the first spell is cast the crown will erupt in flames (magical, some light, no damage, won't set things on fire) that last for 10 minutes per level of the spell (cumulative).
The mage can increase this reduction in SP cost (in 10% increments) up to 50%, but the experience and karma loss are alwats 150% of the SP reduction. In addition, all spells cast with this SP reduction have a chance (1% at 10% reduction, 5% at 50% reduction) of a mishap as the power of the Kingdom surges through their body. Also, creatures from the Patchwork Kingdom are drawn to the flames.
The Wand of Terrible Keys
Said to be carved from the thigh bone of the Jaquray Hydr, this wand will open any lock! Of course, each time the wand is used there is a cumulative 1% chance that the door opens to the Patchwork Kingdom, the Machine Core, into a Dungeon (or different Dungeon), or somewhere else that isn't really at all where the party wants to be (at which point the count resets). Doors that open in such a manner have a 50% chance of having something unpleasant waiting on the other side, likely ready to cause woe and destruction.
The Wand of Terrible Keys will usually have 1d6p+6 charges when found. It can be recharged (to 1d6p+6 charges) by being submerged in the blood of a hydra for 24 hours. Legend has it that the wand can be used to unlock the soul stone of some dragons and may even be able to open the hearts and minds of those who have shut themselves off from the world. Hope and pray that such individuals are not made unwilling victims of possession by things most foul.
Ogular's Magnificent Horn
When the sun sets and the darkness begins to creep over the land in the far distance the sound of a great horn echoes down from the rugged mountains that are the Towers of the Moon. Those that live in the foothills know that the horn, made from solid platinum extracted from the bones of the ancient dragon Karlmuth and encrusted with gemstones stolen from the ogre-infested ruins that were once the Halls of the Dwarf Lord Kragsmar Thunderhammer, is let lose each night to summon the guardian spirit to keep the wizard's manse of Sutterholm safe from prying eyes and malicious intent.
If the a player character managed to get their hands on this fine device, they could sound it each night to offer unbreakable protection from the foul things that stalk in the night. Those within the sounding radius (which is rumored to be controllable) will be undetectable by any means until the next sunrise. Of course each night that one sleeps under such protection allows for their dreams to be invaded by strange ephemeral creatures and over time a deep paranoia sets in at all times. At first this can be healthy for adventurers (-1 to initiative) but in the long run their social maladaptation will not allow them to even consider speaking to another soul - and the best way to ensure that is to get the horn for themselves at any cost.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Spell Examples from the Spell Inspiration Guide
Using the Spell Inspiration pdf from a previous post I created a set of 10 spells for various totems. I rolled 4 words for each and picked one or two as inspiration. Where appropriate, I used an actual HackMaster spell and added some specific flavor text (I'm not lazy, I'm efficient). If anyone else throws together a few spells, add them to the comments - I'd love to see what other folks get up to.
Spotted Pelt of Warmth [Level 1, Bobcat]
With the uttering of this incantation, the fine hair grows thicker to cover the caster with the fine spotted pelt of the bobcat spirit. This spell will protect the caster against frigid cold weather (deep winter, but not arctic levels of cold) such that they are comfortable as a pleasant spring day. In addition, it will protect against any cold-based attacks providing 1 DR, but that protection will cause the hair to fall out and dissipate the spell. Quite often the pelt will leave hair and whiskers well after the spell has expired.
The Affirmation of Course [Level 2, Goose]
As the goose will fly south each autumn and return north in the spring, this spell allows the caster to concentrate and summon the sense and knowledge of his totem to understand true north in any circumstances (at least those that circumstances in which north is a direction which exists). The caster will also know the direction (although not necessarily directions) of a specific location known to the caster such as the entrance to the underworld or their favorite room in the cozy inn tucked into birch woods of the Bleeding Glade.
Occlusive Condensation [Level 3, Water]
A column of mist erupts from the air itself in the target area. The water vapors condense on the targets causing blindness (water over the target's eyes) or stunning the target (from the shock of sudden water condensation). This spell mechanically works exactly like the 3rd level mage spell Bedazzle.
Screeching Calls of the Greedy Suitor [Level 4, Harpy]
With an ear splitting screech, the mage channels the harpy's cry and let's loose with a strange song that causes those within the target area to become so greedy that everything outside of their sudden desire to have the caster (and all that that implies) as their own. The targets will fight amongst themselves and attempt to destroy all other suitors. If a suitor gets close enough to the caster terrible vile things may be attempted, and those will need to be dealt with. When the spell ends, however, the targets of the spell will be utterly disgusted with the caster and themselves, which has potential consequences as well.
Bone-white Smile of Precarious Trust [Level 5, Teeth]
With a terrible grin, the caster enchants his own teeth such that the spell will cause those affected to suddenly trust the sorcerer because of this amazing charming smile. The targets will allow the sorcerer to pass unharmed and even potentially protect him from harm. However, those who make their saving throw will target the smug caster with everything they have, even so far as ignoring danger to themselves to quench their hate. When the spell wears off the targets are left feeling uneasy.
The Awful Cacophany of Honey'd Feathers [Level 6, Owlbeast]
The owlbeast wizard performs a strange dance where feathers from his totem creature appear swirling in the air. Once the growling begins, though, the sticky sweet honey that the bear aspect of her totem desires also begins to seep from the feathery mass. This spell mechanically works exactly like the 6th level mage spell Vicsous Webbing. However, the mage must also make a saving throw against the spell (d20p+level+bonus vs. d12p+level) or be affected by the delicious mess and move into it. Insects (such as deadly Ilkori Fire Ants) and other creatures may be attracted by the honey.
Bellow of Ersatz Spite [Level 7, Minotaur]
With a mighty roar and stamping of feet, the rage that fills the minotaur flows visually into the targets of this spell as a trickle of deep red blood that flows from the caster's mouth, nose, ears, and elsewhere and into the victims who will turn on the nearest creature to beat, bludgeon, slice, and otherwise mutilate the target. This spell mechanically works exactly like the 7th level mage spell Induce Fratricide.
Shuddering Aura of Viscous Paralysis [Level 8, Slithering Tracker]
The slime gods that support this wizard allow them to expel form their very skin a thick puddle of thick goo. Any who step into this sticky mess are likely paralyzed. This spell mechanically works exactly like the 8th level mage spell Paralysis.
Impressive Thunderclap [Level 9, Peacock]
A huge plume of peacock feathers made from the energy of they sky crackle a warning to all who would attack the mage. When set off, the spell inflicts 2d8p damage on the target but also let's loose a tremendous thunderclap. That thunderclap will cause all within 20' of the mage to make a morale check or be stunned by the impressive discharge (pause action for 1d4 seconds). Other than the spell damage and the thunderclap, this spell is mechanically identical to the 9th level mage spell Preemptive Retribution.
Portentous Call of the Sunrise [Level 10, Hawk]
As dawn breaks the great hawk will soar into the heavens to view the landscape, wings filled with power and promise warming on the rising sun's morning rays. This spell works all the time (not just the dawn) and is mechanically the same as the 10th level mage spell Fly.
Spotted Pelt of Warmth [Level 1, Bobcat]
Casting Time: 2s | Range: Touch | Area of Effect: 1 person |
Duration: 15 minutes / level | Saving Throw: n/a | Boost: increase duration 1 SP / minute |
With the uttering of this incantation, the fine hair grows thicker to cover the caster with the fine spotted pelt of the bobcat spirit. This spell will protect the caster against frigid cold weather (deep winter, but not arctic levels of cold) such that they are comfortable as a pleasant spring day. In addition, it will protect against any cold-based attacks providing 1 DR, but that protection will cause the hair to fall out and dissipate the spell. Quite often the pelt will leave hair and whiskers well after the spell has expired.
The Affirmation of Course [Level 2, Goose]
Casting Time: 6s | Range: Self | Area of Effect: caster |
Duration: instantaneous | Saving Throw: n/a | Boost: additional location 35 SP |
As the goose will fly south each autumn and return north in the spring, this spell allows the caster to concentrate and summon the sense and knowledge of his totem to understand true north in any circumstances (at least those that circumstances in which north is a direction which exists). The caster will also know the direction (although not necessarily directions) of a specific location known to the caster such as the entrance to the underworld or their favorite room in the cozy inn tucked into birch woods of the Bleeding Glade.
Occlusive Condensation [Level 3, Water]
Casting Time: (as Bedazzle) | Range: (as Bedazzle) | Area of Effect:(as Bedazzle) |
Duration: (as Bedazzle) | Saving Throw: (as Bedazzle) | Boost: (as Bedazzle) |
A column of mist erupts from the air itself in the target area. The water vapors condense on the targets causing blindness (water over the target's eyes) or stunning the target (from the shock of sudden water condensation). This spell mechanically works exactly like the 3rd level mage spell Bedazzle.
Screeching Calls of the Greedy Suitor [Level 4, Harpy]
Casting Time:4s | Range:60' | Area of Effect: 20' diameter circle |
Duration: 1 minute / level | Saving Throw: mental negates | Boost: range 5'/SP; area 5'/2 SP; duration 1 min/ 10 SP |
With an ear splitting screech, the mage channels the harpy's cry and let's loose with a strange song that causes those within the target area to become so greedy that everything outside of their sudden desire to have the caster (and all that that implies) as their own. The targets will fight amongst themselves and attempt to destroy all other suitors. If a suitor gets close enough to the caster terrible vile things may be attempted, and those will need to be dealt with. When the spell ends, however, the targets of the spell will be utterly disgusted with the caster and themselves, which has potential consequences as well.
Bone-white Smile of Precarious Trust [Level 5, Teeth]
Casting Time: (as panic) | Range: (as panic) | Area of Effect: (as panic) |
Duration: (as panic) | Saving Throw: mental, backfire | Boost: (as panic) |
With a terrible grin, the caster enchants his own teeth such that the spell will cause those affected to suddenly trust the sorcerer because of this amazing charming smile. The targets will allow the sorcerer to pass unharmed and even potentially protect him from harm. However, those who make their saving throw will target the smug caster with everything they have, even so far as ignoring danger to themselves to quench their hate. When the spell wears off the targets are left feeling uneasy.
The Awful Cacophany of Honey'd Feathers [Level 6, Owlbeast]
Casting Time: (as viscous webbing) | Range: (as viscous webbing) | Area of Effect: (as viscous webbing) |
Duration: (as viscous webbing) | Saving Throw: (as viscous webbing) | Boost: (as viscous webbing) |
The owlbeast wizard performs a strange dance where feathers from his totem creature appear swirling in the air. Once the growling begins, though, the sticky sweet honey that the bear aspect of her totem desires also begins to seep from the feathery mass. This spell mechanically works exactly like the 6th level mage spell Vicsous Webbing. However, the mage must also make a saving throw against the spell (d20p+level+bonus vs. d12p+level) or be affected by the delicious mess and move into it. Insects (such as deadly Ilkori Fire Ants) and other creatures may be attracted by the honey.
Bellow of Ersatz Spite [Level 7, Minotaur]
Casting Time: (as induce fratricide) | Range: (as induce fratricide) | Area of Effect: (as induce fratricide) |
Duration: (as induce fratricide) | Saving Throw: (as induce fratricide) | Boost: (as induce fratricide) |
With a mighty roar and stamping of feet, the rage that fills the minotaur flows visually into the targets of this spell as a trickle of deep red blood that flows from the caster's mouth, nose, ears, and elsewhere and into the victims who will turn on the nearest creature to beat, bludgeon, slice, and otherwise mutilate the target. This spell mechanically works exactly like the 7th level mage spell Induce Fratricide.
Shuddering Aura of Viscous Paralysis [Level 8, Slithering Tracker]
Casting Time: (as paralysis) | Range: (as paralysis) | Area of Effect: (as paralysis) |
Duration: (as paralysis) | Saving Throw: (as paralysis) | Boost: (as paralysis) |
The slime gods that support this wizard allow them to expel form their very skin a thick puddle of thick goo. Any who step into this sticky mess are likely paralyzed. This spell mechanically works exactly like the 8th level mage spell Paralysis.
Impressive Thunderclap [Level 9, Peacock]
Casting Time: (as preemptive retribution) | Range: (as preemptive retribution) | Area of Effect: (as preemptive retribution) |
Duration: (as preemptive retribution) | Saving Throw: (as preemptive retribution) | Boost: (as preemptive retribution) |
A huge plume of peacock feathers made from the energy of they sky crackle a warning to all who would attack the mage. When set off, the spell inflicts 2d8p damage on the target but also let's loose a tremendous thunderclap. That thunderclap will cause all within 20' of the mage to make a morale check or be stunned by the impressive discharge (pause action for 1d4 seconds). Other than the spell damage and the thunderclap, this spell is mechanically identical to the 9th level mage spell Preemptive Retribution.
Portentous Call of the Sunrise [Level 10, Hawk]
Casting Time: (as fly) | Range: (as fly) | Area of Effect: (as fly) |
Duration: (as fly) | Saving Throw: (as fly) | Boost: (as fly) |
As dawn breaks the great hawk will soar into the heavens to view the landscape, wings filled with power and promise warming on the rising sun's morning rays. This spell works all the time (not just the dawn) and is mechanically the same as the 10th level mage spell Fly.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Arcane Magic in Eradu
Magic in games is often too academic and too much like science. The mystery and weirdness is gone. Using clever names helps with the tone somewhat, but how magic is portrayed in the setting as well as how the game mechanics work is important for really letting players know what magic is all about. In Eradu those that have the gift and choose to play are a strange and foolish breed.
The Patchwork Kingdom
All magic originates from a place outside of Here and at a different time than Now. The Patchwork Kingdom is a place of strange uncontainable energy that twists and bends the fabric of reality. It is a place of monsters that defy imagination and are often hungry for the flesh and souls of those who dare to peek into their place.
Some say that the dungeons of the Underworld are places where the Kingdom has pushed through and into this world. Some speculate that the demons that wander the terrible changing landscape are the source of all the ills in the world.
One thing that is known, though, is that the Patchwork Kingdom is where spells originate. If they are born, crafted, discovered things from an age long gone, or manifestations of desire and intent is continuously argued over by those that care about such matters.
What A Spell Is and Is Not
A spell is not a universal formula that can be copied from a text, memorized by a clever fellow, then cast in an identical manner by each and every wizard, sorcerer, and mage. Spells are patterns of mind-bending energy from the Patchwork Kingdom. They are manifestations of will and well outside the bounds of mortal reality. Spells are supernatural, some are living (unliving), and some are sentient.
Wizards are constantly treading on the edges of the Patchwork Kingdom - finding weak spots between that place of unrelenting power and the real world. They dig up clues, find hints, and in their nightly dreams or from waking fevered sessions of consciousness altering tinctures, potions, and herbs they eventually find a spell.
Each spell is personal and aligned to the sorcerer who birthed it. They hold it trapped in their mind and eventually release it into the world. Once cast, the sorcerer can feel the pattern burnt into their veins and each casting becomes easier than the last.
Spell cannot be taught, but they can be stolen.
Spell Books: Grimoires of Dark Passion
When a new spell is found a wizard makes notes and lists and detailed incantations to refine the spell they have. Going on gut instinct alone requires more energy that going through the same methods and patterns when the spell was first produced.
A mage will guard his spell book with his life. If another mage happens upon his dark grimoire and manages to decipher the cryptic writings, they can attempt to take ownership of the spell. The mage who first brought it into this world will feel an acute loss that is often so traumatic as to outright kill them. The spell's new parent and master may now wield it fully.
An adept's book of spells is also a catalogue of their research and adventures and pacts. This information can be used by the unscrupulous to do all manner of terrible things to the adept who lost the book and those who he has written down as friend, ally, thrall, or slave.

Every caster of arcane art has a totem that they use to help make sense of magic, spells, and the Patchwork Kingdom. While most often associated with physical things such as animals or natural phenomena there are others.
Hoola the Shadow Mage, the Adepts of Hate, and Caine the Lord of Uncertainty all have uncommon totems and therefore particularly uncommon magic. All spells that a caster finds will be channeled through their totem, the metaphor helping to ground the otherwise untenable insanity.
Specific totems are left up to player discretion and GM approval. Totems should be in line with the play style of the character. A Mouse Wizard isn't going to be blasting everyone with great balls of fire, nor will Julex the Eternal Bear tend to do a lot of stealthy sneaking about. Failure to work within your totem aspect will cause problems (like EP or Karma hits).
Magic Items
All wizards have the potential to create magic items - things imbued with the power of spells. Doing so can take a terrible toll on the wizard, so only the most powerful or desperate will do so. Most magic items are temporary - eventually the spell contained within will escape or be destroyed slice by slice. Only the rarest of items are forever.
Holding the physical manifestation of a spell has consequences as well, especially for those not used to the arcane power of the Kingdom. Nearly all magic items that have more than a single use (such as potions, powders, or scrolls) have some backlash associated them.
For example, the legendary blade Moonbeam was (is?) a short sword made of hard silver that could attack with the speed and power beyond that which a normal man could muster. Unfortunately for those that choose to wield it they are filled with an unbridled anger that appears when they themselves take damage. At this point, friend and foe are equally targets until the blood lust is sated.
Discovering New Spells
When rolling for a new spell, the player should roll 1d1000 twice and consult the spell inspiration guide. To get a pair of words that inspire the creation of a new spell of the appropriate level look at column 1 and then column 2 (based on the rolls). If nothing crops up, roll 1d1000 again and 1d6 (1-3: column 1, 4-6: column 2) and weave that into the narrative. The spell should be named and geared toward the character's totem.
For example, Calix the Phoenix gets a new spell. He rolls 1d1000 twice with results of 442 and 839. Those two words are "infallible" and "snow". After thinking a bit the player determines that Calix has the ability to cast a spell that will causes a flurry of ashes (phoenix fire results in ashes which are like snow) that will blind his enemy allowing for an infallible escape or attack. The spell is named Calix's Infallible Ashes of the Phoenix.
When determining the specific spell effects from a games mechanic standpoint, look at other spells of the same level and work out some details and a spell point schedule. If this were a 6th level spell for Mr. Calix, it would seem to line up nicely with "Inflict Temporary Blindness" - so use those spell stats for simplicity.
You can grab the Spell Inspiration guide I put together from this link.
The Patchwork Kingdom

Some say that the dungeons of the Underworld are places where the Kingdom has pushed through and into this world. Some speculate that the demons that wander the terrible changing landscape are the source of all the ills in the world.
One thing that is known, though, is that the Patchwork Kingdom is where spells originate. If they are born, crafted, discovered things from an age long gone, or manifestations of desire and intent is continuously argued over by those that care about such matters.
What A Spell Is and Is Not

Wizards are constantly treading on the edges of the Patchwork Kingdom - finding weak spots between that place of unrelenting power and the real world. They dig up clues, find hints, and in their nightly dreams or from waking fevered sessions of consciousness altering tinctures, potions, and herbs they eventually find a spell.
Each spell is personal and aligned to the sorcerer who birthed it. They hold it trapped in their mind and eventually release it into the world. Once cast, the sorcerer can feel the pattern burnt into their veins and each casting becomes easier than the last.
Spell cannot be taught, but they can be stolen.
Spell Books: Grimoires of Dark Passion
When a new spell is found a wizard makes notes and lists and detailed incantations to refine the spell they have. Going on gut instinct alone requires more energy that going through the same methods and patterns when the spell was first produced.
A mage will guard his spell book with his life. If another mage happens upon his dark grimoire and manages to decipher the cryptic writings, they can attempt to take ownership of the spell. The mage who first brought it into this world will feel an acute loss that is often so traumatic as to outright kill them. The spell's new parent and master may now wield it fully.
An adept's book of spells is also a catalogue of their research and adventures and pacts. This information can be used by the unscrupulous to do all manner of terrible things to the adept who lost the book and those who he has written down as friend, ally, thrall, or slave.

Hoola the Shadow Mage, the Adepts of Hate, and Caine the Lord of Uncertainty all have uncommon totems and therefore particularly uncommon magic. All spells that a caster finds will be channeled through their totem, the metaphor helping to ground the otherwise untenable insanity.
Specific totems are left up to player discretion and GM approval. Totems should be in line with the play style of the character. A Mouse Wizard isn't going to be blasting everyone with great balls of fire, nor will Julex the Eternal Bear tend to do a lot of stealthy sneaking about. Failure to work within your totem aspect will cause problems (like EP or Karma hits).
Magic Items
All wizards have the potential to create magic items - things imbued with the power of spells. Doing so can take a terrible toll on the wizard, so only the most powerful or desperate will do so. Most magic items are temporary - eventually the spell contained within will escape or be destroyed slice by slice. Only the rarest of items are forever.
Holding the physical manifestation of a spell has consequences as well, especially for those not used to the arcane power of the Kingdom. Nearly all magic items that have more than a single use (such as potions, powders, or scrolls) have some backlash associated them.
For example, the legendary blade Moonbeam was (is?) a short sword made of hard silver that could attack with the speed and power beyond that which a normal man could muster. Unfortunately for those that choose to wield it they are filled with an unbridled anger that appears when they themselves take damage. At this point, friend and foe are equally targets until the blood lust is sated.
Discovering New Spells
When rolling for a new spell, the player should roll 1d1000 twice and consult the spell inspiration guide. To get a pair of words that inspire the creation of a new spell of the appropriate level look at column 1 and then column 2 (based on the rolls). If nothing crops up, roll 1d1000 again and 1d6 (1-3: column 1, 4-6: column 2) and weave that into the narrative. The spell should be named and geared toward the character's totem.
For example, Calix the Phoenix gets a new spell. He rolls 1d1000 twice with results of 442 and 839. Those two words are "infallible" and "snow". After thinking a bit the player determines that Calix has the ability to cast a spell that will causes a flurry of ashes (phoenix fire results in ashes which are like snow) that will blind his enemy allowing for an infallible escape or attack. The spell is named Calix's Infallible Ashes of the Phoenix.
When determining the specific spell effects from a games mechanic standpoint, look at other spells of the same level and work out some details and a spell point schedule. If this were a 6th level spell for Mr. Calix, it would seem to line up nicely with "Inflict Temporary Blindness" - so use those spell stats for simplicity.
You can grab the Spell Inspiration guide I put together from this link.
Metal Weapons and the State of Civiliztion
Just an Idea
Not sure if I'll include this or a version of this in the Eradu setting, but I like the basic concept here and have been thinking about it for a while. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
The Chart
Oh the Places We'll Go!
Settlements of different sizes have different chances of being more or less "advanced" when it comes to "technology". Of course, there may be a Stone Age Village next to a Black Steel Age City, which means that the folks are likely just incredibly poor and not necessarily savages. The GM will have to get clever to make every die roll make sense.
Wilderness Village
Small villages in the middle of nowhere.
Rural Village
There might be another village or possibly even a town nearby.
Also considered by most to be a really big village. The people that live in a town often think of it as a small city.
Walls, filth, and all the vice a copper penny can buy. This is where the fun stuff is.
Far City
Just like a city but really far away from what you think you know about.
Civilization Through The Ages
The "ages" are generalized based on the primary material used for weapons. These are vaguely historical in nature (up to a point), but should not be taken as absolute gospel. Use them as a guideline. Based on the type of settlement, roll 1d100 to determine where the peoples fall. Of course, once a settlement has been "established" by the dice, nearby locations will generally be similar. Of course what nearby and similar mean are up to the GM - or that advice can be utterly ignored.
Stick Age
These are some seriously primitive savages - clubs are the height of their technology and fire is a new and fancy thing. This doesn't mean they are not intelligent, nor does it mean they don't live in a complex society. What it does mean is that some lamp oil can burn down a village and most everyone else will kick their ass and take what few things of value they do have.
Stone Age
Spears with flint tips! Axes that can cut things! Stone age peoples are not cavemen, but like stick age folks they are probably a bit on the savage side. With stone tools comes the ability to work with stone ... meaning bricks and slabs and whatnot. Heck, some stone age peoples even had aqueducts.
Copper Age
Metal weapons and tool are essential to getting an edge over the less civilized barbarian scum who have the slightly better land over the hill. Most of Eradu is somewhere in the Copper Age. Considered the "least" of the non-ancient civilizations, copper age folks have metal weapons (shitty ones, but metal weapons), copper jewelry, and all sorts of other fancy things. They tend to adapt more easily to more advanced things than those of the stick and stone ages.
Bronze Age
Mix a little tin in with that copper and suddenly bronze hits the scene. Harder than copper, these weapons tend to lay waste to the pitiful savages who use copper. Most cities are in a bronze age and can manage to have towering structures, complex machinery (like wheels on a cart), and start getting a bit more complex in their ways of thinking. Mind you, just because bronze is the height of what can be made now doesn't mean there isn't plenty of iron and other things about. The infamous Aldsburg is currently a bronze City (although it was much higher on the scale in days long past).
Iron Age
Cold Iron weapons are the mark of things getting interesting. The Fey hate iron weapons and members of an iron age society pretty much rule the roost. Iron is awesome. Buildings are made from bricks, everyone carries a dagger, and things tend to get seedy fast. With so much more awesome metal around people can do some outstanding architectural things leading to more leisure time ... which means corruption, gambling, vice, and politics.
Steel Age
Steel is better than iron. Armies with steel weapons are a terrible thing to behold. When one things medieval fantasy with plate mail and long swords, this is the age. The societies that have developed from this age are most common as the basis of what is afoot in Eradu, but as the world is crumbling the steel age is significantly less common than it once was.
Hard Steel Age
Rare, strong, and light - hard steel is amazing and, with that +3 bonus, going to seriously cause some havoc. Hard steel involves some sort of complex folding of the hot metal and using holy water or the blood of the innocent. Magic has worked its way into some aspects of hard steel age society but in subtle ways - everyone isn't a mage and sorcerers are still terrifying and often murdered on site.
Hard Silver Age
Not technically silver, but with many of the same properties (specifically when it comes to things affected by silver weapons) hard silver is a bitch to work with but makes a fine blade, incredible armor, and when traded with neighbors give a profit that allows a hard silver age city a level of merchant class luxury that makes the vices from the iron age look like lemonade stands. A hard silver age settlement may also have ties to the old machine core. This is also the age that invented khur (a terrible and addictive drug related to slavers and a strange cult about purging undesirables).
Black Steel Age
A little alchemy, a but of demon blood, a swatch of skin from a patchwork creature, a dash of hard silver, a pile of iron, and suddenly Black Steel is all the rage. Of course by "all the rage" I mean "incredibly rare and valuable beyond the understanding of most folks". Where a bronze longsword costs about $30, a black steel sword would theoretically sell for nearly $4,000,000! Of course anyone who just happens to have a black steel sword isn't going to sell it. Black Steel age settlements have some acceptance and grasp on magic, almost definitely have some connection to the Patchwork and/or the Machine Core, and tend to be wildly isolationist ... unless they are feeling aggressive in which case hide your daughters because the warrior mages wielding perfectly crafted blade of deadly accuracy are going to make a tarrasque attack look mild in comparison.
Cost of Goods
So how much does this stuff cost? Good question. Here is the math:
n = age
P(n) = price of the item
For n>-1: P(n+1) = [50x[5^[n-1]]] + [P(n) x 10]
For n<0: P(n) = P(n+1) x [0.8 x [0.9^[[n x -1]+1]]
For example. Base price in the bronze age for a bronze longsword is $30. To sell that bronze longsword to a copper age settlement someone would probably pony up $350 worth of stuff. An iron longsword in the bronze age settlement would go for the same price. This chart gives the purchase price of a longsword (base of $30) of a particular age in a different age but keep in mind that lower level cultures tend to have significantly less money on hand and higher level settlements don't always accept "mooks and dregs" buying their things. Mostly this is to give an idea of scale. characters shouldn't be wandering around with black steel weapons any time soon ... unless they are from a black steel culture in which case the world is about to get razed for loot.
Not sure if I'll include this or a version of this in the Eradu setting, but I like the basic concept here and have been thinking about it for a while. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
The Chart
Base | Mod | Far City | City | Town | Rural | Wilderness |
Stick | -3 | 1 | --- | --- | 1 | 1 - 3 |
Stone | -2 | 2 - 10 | 1 | 1 - 7 | 2 - 27 | 4 - 57 |
Copper | -1 | 11 - 20 | 2 - 7 | 8 - 71 | 28 - 79 | 58 - 88 |
Bronze | +0 | 21 - 33 | 8 - 65 | 72 - 91 | 80 - 95 | 89 - 96 |
Iron | +1 | 34 - 56 | 66 - 83 | 92 - 97 | 96 - 99 | 97 - 99 |
Steel | +2 | 57 - 89 | 84 - 92 | 98 - 99 | 100 | 100 |
Hard Steel | +3 | 90 - 97 | 93 - 96 | 100 | --- | --- |
Hard Silver | +4 | 98 - 99 | 97 - 99 | --- | --- | --- |
Black Steel | +5 | 100 | 100 | --- | --- | --- |
Oh the Places We'll Go!
Settlements of different sizes have different chances of being more or less "advanced" when it comes to "technology". Of course, there may be a Stone Age Village next to a Black Steel Age City, which means that the folks are likely just incredibly poor and not necessarily savages. The GM will have to get clever to make every die roll make sense.
Wilderness Village
Small villages in the middle of nowhere.
Rural Village
There might be another village or possibly even a town nearby.
Also considered by most to be a really big village. The people that live in a town often think of it as a small city.
Walls, filth, and all the vice a copper penny can buy. This is where the fun stuff is.
Far City
Just like a city but really far away from what you think you know about.
Civilization Through The Ages
The "ages" are generalized based on the primary material used for weapons. These are vaguely historical in nature (up to a point), but should not be taken as absolute gospel. Use them as a guideline. Based on the type of settlement, roll 1d100 to determine where the peoples fall. Of course, once a settlement has been "established" by the dice, nearby locations will generally be similar. Of course what nearby and similar mean are up to the GM - or that advice can be utterly ignored.
Stick Age
These are some seriously primitive savages - clubs are the height of their technology and fire is a new and fancy thing. This doesn't mean they are not intelligent, nor does it mean they don't live in a complex society. What it does mean is that some lamp oil can burn down a village and most everyone else will kick their ass and take what few things of value they do have.
Stone Age
Spears with flint tips! Axes that can cut things! Stone age peoples are not cavemen, but like stick age folks they are probably a bit on the savage side. With stone tools comes the ability to work with stone ... meaning bricks and slabs and whatnot. Heck, some stone age peoples even had aqueducts.
Copper Age
Metal weapons and tool are essential to getting an edge over the less civilized barbarian scum who have the slightly better land over the hill. Most of Eradu is somewhere in the Copper Age. Considered the "least" of the non-ancient civilizations, copper age folks have metal weapons (shitty ones, but metal weapons), copper jewelry, and all sorts of other fancy things. They tend to adapt more easily to more advanced things than those of the stick and stone ages.
Bronze Age
Mix a little tin in with that copper and suddenly bronze hits the scene. Harder than copper, these weapons tend to lay waste to the pitiful savages who use copper. Most cities are in a bronze age and can manage to have towering structures, complex machinery (like wheels on a cart), and start getting a bit more complex in their ways of thinking. Mind you, just because bronze is the height of what can be made now doesn't mean there isn't plenty of iron and other things about. The infamous Aldsburg is currently a bronze City (although it was much higher on the scale in days long past).
Iron Age
Cold Iron weapons are the mark of things getting interesting. The Fey hate iron weapons and members of an iron age society pretty much rule the roost. Iron is awesome. Buildings are made from bricks, everyone carries a dagger, and things tend to get seedy fast. With so much more awesome metal around people can do some outstanding architectural things leading to more leisure time ... which means corruption, gambling, vice, and politics.
Steel Age
Steel is better than iron. Armies with steel weapons are a terrible thing to behold. When one things medieval fantasy with plate mail and long swords, this is the age. The societies that have developed from this age are most common as the basis of what is afoot in Eradu, but as the world is crumbling the steel age is significantly less common than it once was.
Hard Steel Age
Rare, strong, and light - hard steel is amazing and, with that +3 bonus, going to seriously cause some havoc. Hard steel involves some sort of complex folding of the hot metal and using holy water or the blood of the innocent. Magic has worked its way into some aspects of hard steel age society but in subtle ways - everyone isn't a mage and sorcerers are still terrifying and often murdered on site.
Hard Silver Age
Not technically silver, but with many of the same properties (specifically when it comes to things affected by silver weapons) hard silver is a bitch to work with but makes a fine blade, incredible armor, and when traded with neighbors give a profit that allows a hard silver age city a level of merchant class luxury that makes the vices from the iron age look like lemonade stands. A hard silver age settlement may also have ties to the old machine core. This is also the age that invented khur (a terrible and addictive drug related to slavers and a strange cult about purging undesirables).
Black Steel Age
A little alchemy, a but of demon blood, a swatch of skin from a patchwork creature, a dash of hard silver, a pile of iron, and suddenly Black Steel is all the rage. Of course by "all the rage" I mean "incredibly rare and valuable beyond the understanding of most folks". Where a bronze longsword costs about $30, a black steel sword would theoretically sell for nearly $4,000,000! Of course anyone who just happens to have a black steel sword isn't going to sell it. Black Steel age settlements have some acceptance and grasp on magic, almost definitely have some connection to the Patchwork and/or the Machine Core, and tend to be wildly isolationist ... unless they are feeling aggressive in which case hide your daughters because the warrior mages wielding perfectly crafted blade of deadly accuracy are going to make a tarrasque attack look mild in comparison.
Cost of Goods
So how much does this stuff cost? Good question. Here is the math:
n = age
P(n) = price of the item
For n>-1: P(n+1) = [50x[5^[n-1]]] + [P(n) x 10]
For n<0: P(n) = P(n+1) x [0.8 x [0.9^[[n x -1]+1]]
For example. Base price in the bronze age for a bronze longsword is $30. To sell that bronze longsword to a copper age settlement someone would probably pony up $350 worth of stuff. An iron longsword in the bronze age settlement would go for the same price. This chart gives the purchase price of a longsword (base of $30) of a particular age in a different age but keep in mind that lower level cultures tend to have significantly less money on hand and higher level settlements don't always accept "mooks and dregs" buying their things. Mostly this is to give an idea of scale. characters shouldn't be wandering around with black steel weapons any time soon ... unless they are from a black steel culture in which case the world is about to get razed for loot.
Stick | Stone | Coppper | Bronze | Iron | Steel | H. Steel | H. Silver | B. Steel | |
Stick | 30 | 24 | 17 | 10 | 5.9 | 3.1 | 1.5 | 0.6 | 0.2 |
Stone | 350 | 30 | 24 | 17 | 10 | 5.9 | 3.1 | 1.5 | 0.6 |
Copper | 3,750 | 350 | 30 | 24 | 17 | 10 | 5.9 | 3.1 | 1.5 |
Bronze | 38,750 | 3,750 | 350 | 30 | 24 | 17 | 10 | 5.9 | 3.1 |
Iron | 393,750 | 38,750 | 3,750 | 350 | 30 | 24 | 17 | 10 | 5.9 |
Steel | 3,968,750 | 393,750 | 38,750 | 3,750 | 350 | 30 | 24 | 17 | 10 |
Hard Steel | 39,843,750 | 3,968,750 | 393,750 | 38,750 | 3,750 | 350 | 30 | 24 | 17 |
Hard Silver | 399,218,750 | 39,843,750 | 3,968,750 | 393,750 | 38,750 | 3,750 | 350 | 30 | 24 |
Black Steel | 3,996,093,750 | 399,218,750 | 39,843,750 | 3,968,750 | 393,750 | 38,750 | 3,750 | 350 | 30 |
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Experience Point Distribution & Treasure for EP (Updated)
The carousing rules as I'd written them previously are too fiddly - specifically the EP gained vs. silver spent portion of things. The simplification comes from the new breakdown of EP. Of course these are just guidelines that I use when crafting adventures and even I ignore them quite often.
Where Experience Points Come From
Encounters: 50% - monsters and traps
Loot: 15% - EP gained by spending your hard earned loot
Exploration: 15% - finding new places and creating the Hacklopedia
Story Awards: 15% - quests and the like
Being Awesome: 5% - bonus for great role playing (in additional to honor awards)
What is Treasure Worth?
After much debate, the standard of $1 = 1ep was the easy way to go. Limiting the amount of ep that can be gained (via the Carousing Rules) takes care of things getting too outrageous. Now being able to accurately appraise things is more useful as is improving the salesmanship skill.
How Much Treasure Per Level?
This one is easy. Using the HM suggested silver per adventurer per level number plus adding 15% of the EP needed per level, I came up with a simple handy table for the estimated amount of cash to hand out each level. They can get better stuff or spend it on good times (and ear experience) - the choice is theirs. This is, of course, per character.
These values will seem like a fortune - and they are supposed to. Adventurers bring back mad piles of loot and piss them away. The smart ones invest in better gear, contacts, a safehouse, and all the other trappings but do so at a slower rate of advancement.
Revised Carousing Rules
In a village, roll 1d6. In a town, roll 1d6 or 2d6. In a city, a player may roll up to 3d6.
On each die, pip 1 - 5 indicates that treasure has been spent and experience gained. Per pip, the treasure cost and the experience gain are shown in the table below. For example, a roll of 3 at first level means $12 are spent for 12 EP. For each 6 rolled, count it as a 5 having been rolled, but before gaining any experience roll on the Consequences Table. For each pip, cross off a box on the Carousing portion of the EP section of the character sheet. If a carousing roll goes over a total of 15 boxes (even without a 6) roll on the Consequences Table.
After the 15 boxes have been filled, players can continue to spend silver for EP, however any die roll over 3 is considered a 3 and causes a roll on the Consequences Table.
The GM ay declare that a town has been "partied out" and no more carousing is available - at least for a while. Also, the amounts of cash required per level get quite outrageous at higher levels - the more money spent, the more noticed are the carousing antics. More people drink more free booze - better booze, more and more exotic "pleasurable company", more bribes to officials, and the like. Some may consider a part of their carousing costs as tithes and charity. Whatever floats your boat.
Carousing Consequences Table
Please note - this is a report (with some minor edits) that can be found earlier in this blog. Just putting it all together for ease of reference.
Jeff Rients came up with the carousing rules (and consequences) that swept the internet. They are simple and awesome and everyone uses them. Attempting to find some additional resources to plunder, I found this blog. That was about it though ... people just kept reposting the same thing over and over. I compiled what I liked, added what I felt it needed, and made the following tables. Eventually I need to add these in because they are great results (and like the blog). Eventually I want to make each of these d20 rolls rather than d6, but tackling too much at once is a recipe for disaster.
Consequence Type [d10]
1. Reputation [1d6]
Where Experience Points Come From
Encounters: 50% - monsters and traps
Loot: 15% - EP gained by spending your hard earned loot
Exploration: 15% - finding new places and creating the Hacklopedia
Story Awards: 15% - quests and the like
Being Awesome: 5% - bonus for great role playing (in additional to honor awards)
What is Treasure Worth?
After much debate, the standard of $1 = 1ep was the easy way to go. Limiting the amount of ep that can be gained (via the Carousing Rules) takes care of things getting too outrageous. Now being able to accurately appraise things is more useful as is improving the salesmanship skill.
How Much Treasure Per Level?
This one is easy. Using the HM suggested silver per adventurer per level number plus adding 15% of the EP needed per level, I came up with a simple handy table for the estimated amount of cash to hand out each level. They can get better stuff or spend it on good times (and ear experience) - the choice is theirs. This is, of course, per character.
These values will seem like a fortune - and they are supposed to. Adventurers bring back mad piles of loot and piss them away. The smart ones invest in better gear, contacts, a safehouse, and all the other trappings but do so at a slower rate of advancement.
Revised Carousing Rules
In a village, roll 1d6. In a town, roll 1d6 or 2d6. In a city, a player may roll up to 3d6.
On each die, pip 1 - 5 indicates that treasure has been spent and experience gained. Per pip, the treasure cost and the experience gain are shown in the table below. For example, a roll of 3 at first level means $12 are spent for 12 EP. For each 6 rolled, count it as a 5 having been rolled, but before gaining any experience roll on the Consequences Table. For each pip, cross off a box on the Carousing portion of the EP section of the character sheet. If a carousing roll goes over a total of 15 boxes (even without a 6) roll on the Consequences Table.
After the 15 boxes have been filled, players can continue to spend silver for EP, however any die roll over 3 is considered a 3 and causes a roll on the Consequences Table.
The GM ay declare that a town has been "partied out" and no more carousing is available - at least for a while. Also, the amounts of cash required per level get quite outrageous at higher levels - the more money spent, the more noticed are the carousing antics. More people drink more free booze - better booze, more and more exotic "pleasurable company", more bribes to officials, and the like. Some may consider a part of their carousing costs as tithes and charity. Whatever floats your boat.
Carousing Consequences Table
Please note - this is a report (with some minor edits) that can be found earlier in this blog. Just putting it all together for ease of reference.
Jeff Rients came up with the carousing rules (and consequences) that swept the internet. They are simple and awesome and everyone uses them. Attempting to find some additional resources to plunder, I found this blog. That was about it though ... people just kept reposting the same thing over and over. I compiled what I liked, added what I felt it needed, and made the following tables. Eventually I need to add these in because they are great results (and like the blog). Eventually I want to make each of these d20 rolls rather than d6, but tackling too much at once is a recipe for disaster.
Consequence Type [d10]
1. Reputation [1d6]
- Make a fool of yourself in public. The money is spent, but no experience is gained. Make a Feat of Charisma Check (d20p+8) or gain the reputation of a Drunken Lout.
- You are known as the Life of the Party! All carousing in this location costs double due to hanger's on.
- Wake up naked in a local temple. (1-3) the clergy is majorly pissed off (4-5) the clergy smile and thank you for dropping by (6) You are now known as a zealot in the Area and roll on The Gods consequence table.
- They all said dressing in silly costumes was a stupid idea, but everyone is talking about it. You gain a reputation for throwing great parties. Gain +10% EP next time you carouse in this town.
- You did something dubious and have the reputation as a lecherous lush. Social interactions are now awkward at best.
- You pick up the reputation as a mean drunk. No one will party with you in this town, and you gain the reputation for the Area. People are frightened of you.
- You were involved in a brawl. Pass a Feat of Strength check (d20p+0) or start the day with 1d4p wounds of 1d3hp each.
- Your shenanigans got a bit out of control and you started a fire. Where: (1-2) you burnt down your favorite inn (3-4) a den of ill repute is burnt to ash (5-6) a big chunk of town is ablaze. Who: (1-2) No one knows it was you (3-4) your fellow carousers know it was you (5) a probable blackmailer or tattletale knows (6) everyone knows.
- That brawl last night put you in a badass mood! You have 1d3 wounds of 1d3 hp and a black eye, but are +1 to attack rolls for the day.
- You got beaten pretty badly. Black eye, lose 1d4p teeth, 50% chance of a broken nose, and you are +3 FF for the next 1d6 days.
- You remember being challenged to a duel, but not by who, when, or over what. This is probably going to end badly.
- Your duel starts in a few minutes when the sun comes up. Everyone is watching. It is (1) a setup and you are about to utterly humiliate some guy (2) to the death (3) to first blood (4-5) an honor duel (6) a setup and you are about to get royally humiliated.
- A minor misunderstanding with the authorities. Pass an average Diplomacy skill check. Success means a 1d6 x $2 fine. Failure (or the inability to pay) means that many days in jail.
- You insulted a local person of rank. Time for a hard Diplomacy skill check to get the offended party to be amenable to a public apology and reparations. Failure ends in hard labor.
- Major misunderstanding with the law. 1d6 weeks in jail and a fine of 2d4p x $5 and all weapons, armor, and the like are confiscated. 25% chance of a criminal tattoo. 5% chance of a jailhouse tattoo per week of incarceration.
- Apparently someone that ugly can be married to a local magistrate. You've been given an unpleasant task or difficult quest to make up for your cruel slurred words.
- You somehow swapped backpacks with someone. Lose your backpack gear and gain an equal amount of other gear (GM's choice, probably random, and a good chance of something criminal).
- What seemed like a hilarious practical joke turned out to be in very bad taste. You have made an enemy of a moderately powerful local personality. Things might get hairy if you stick around.
- Save vs Poison (d20p+15) because in the candlelight, you didn't see the rash. Fail and you've got a nasty itch (-1 to everything) for the next 2d6 weeks. Save again each week to see if it gets better or worse.
- The target of your lewd and advances turned out to be a witch. Make an Average Seduction skill check. Succeed and you have a witch that is now obsessed with you. Fail and you have to make a saving throw vs magic (d20+11) or are turned into a swine.
- Despite the best of intentions, you have fallen madly in love with someone and want to impress them. 75% chance they are married. 25% chance they return your affections. 100% chance other adventurers make fun of you.
- Last night was out of this world ... literally. Having taken up with some sort of extra planar creature you had a wild night and picked up a little gift. You have until next season to rid yourself of the parasite (pregnancy?) or the results will be spectacular and utterly lethal.
- You wake up next to someone who is (1-2) crazy (3-4) ugly (5-6) or both. Let the antics ensue.
- Someone you dallied with has fallen for you big time. They are (more or less) sweet and innocent and want to follow you everywhere. They are more of a hanger-on than a henchman.
- You were robbed of everything - cash, weapons, armor, gear. Everything. In fact, you are only wearing some dirty underwear and a strange look of defiant pride.
- You gambled a damn lot. Make a hard gambling skill check. If you lose, make another carousing roll (same dice) to see how much cash you lose (no EP gained).
- You invested all your spare cash in a smooth talking merchant scheme. (1-3) it is bogus and you are going to lose it all (4-5) it is a scam but the local authority think you are in on it, adventurer scum! (6) holy crap - it is a real investment. Next season you'll get your investment back plus 5d20p% more.
- You somehow got stuck with a bar tab that wasn't yours. Pay 30% more to cover the costs or end up spending some time in jail to think about what you did. A skill check might get you out of jail, but not the tab.
- You were robbed and have only your armor and favorite weapon (50% chance of keeping a shield if you had one).
- Apparently you upset some merchants Everything in this settlement is now 25% more expensive for your entire party. 10% increase in prices for you and your kind across the Area.
- You have the most powerful hangover ever - and a permanent low level headache. -1d20 fractional points each to WIS and INT.
- Might be sprained, probably broken. -1d20 fractional points each to DEX and STR.
- You are utterly exhausted. +1d6 Fatigue Factor, it gets better by 1 point every week.
- You have become addicted to something ... something terrible. Add the addiction quirk, but it is for something worse than on the table.
- You've broken knuckles from punching someone in the face (or a wall, or possibly yourself). Lose the ability to fight with your (1-4) right (5-6) left hand for 1d6 weeks.
- You stink of exotic spices, booze, and rich food. Good luck gaining surprise on anyone for the next 2d3 days ... and be prepared to fend off hungry monsters a bit more often.
- In a drunken stupor you begged a god for help resolving some situation. They heard and responded. Of course now you must complete a really hard quest before gaining any additional EP. Also, you'd better convert or your Karma will take a hit.
- Holy men in the Area will shun you ... apparently there are some things that all gods find irritating and you, my friend, nailed it.
- A boozed offer to a cleric "pay you back later" is being taken up. You have 1d12 orphans (age 2d4 each) that you need to take to the Orphanarium. It isn't particularly close by.
- Waking up in the temple, you blurrily review your signed document to give alms. Give away all of your things to the poor and tithe 10% of your future wealth to the temple for the next 3 adventuring seasons.
- You have displeased the gods ... or at least one of them. You are probably the target of random effects, healing spells only half work on you, and if you are a cleric you'll need to atone before you can get any spells again.
- The temple is trashed. (1-3) You are going to get run out of town and hunted by the clerics (4-5) no one cares, but holy men may shun you in this Area (6) you get an award from the people for removing the shackles of religious oppression ... which means orgy time.
- You got a tattoo. (1-3) It is lame (4) it is pretty cool (5) it could have been cool except for the misspelling or obvious mistake (6) it is incredibly crude and/or insulting.
- An evil wizard has a hunk of your flesh and hair. In addition to a bad haircut, be prepared for the worst.
- You have a new henchman. A jester. He steals treasure from everyone except you and tells really terrible jokes. You like him, but the others in the party ... not so much.
- You have been infected with a double shadow. Animals are terrified of you. Children cry when they see you. In 1d6+2 weeks the shadows will merge and murder you.
- Your flesh starts to crack and slough. You need to wear bandages all the time to keep it together. Also a permanent -1 Con and -1d4 HP.
- For some reason, you are now a ghost magnet. If in a haunted area, you attract ghosts like the dickens. In a non-haunted area, you are generally considered spooky and no one really wants to hang out with you except other spooky people (who you don't like).
- Apparently you joined or were at least initiated into (1-3) a cult (4-5) a secret society (6) a fraternity. Pass a Feat of Intelligence (d20p+twice dice rolled for carousing) to see if you remember the signs and phrases.
- While completely hammered you spent some time with some of the local servants and servers. They like you, so gain a new follower! Unfortunately, the follower's former boss is less than pleased about the situation.
- You win a bar bet and have the services of two henchmen for a month. They have really shitty morale and are trouble makers.
- You have an amazing time with an adventurer from another party. He told you something really important ... Feat of Intelligence (2d20p) to see if you can remember. You are also pretty sure you told him something that was supposed to be a secret.
- A gluttonous drunk boorish friar (kind of like a 1d6th level cleric) joins your party until he loses a morale check or you have another carousing expedition.
- You lose your favorite follower ... but now have a mangy mutt that follows you around.
- You felt the call in your dreams. You've woken up in an alley covered in blood with chunks of flesh under your fingernails. It is (1-3) morning (4-5) dawn (6) noon and you are (1-3) being stared at by a street urchin (4-5) alone (6) being prodded awake by the local authorities.
- Someone (you?) scratched a map onto your forearm of a dungeon you have never been in before. The lower levels are going to be trickier to carve...
- There is a new dungeon nearby. You can feel it trying to hide an artifact from you. You know where it is. Convince the others to come with you if you can ... but you will find what you are after.
- Being in the daylight makes you kind of uneasy ... -1 or 5% to everything while you are in the sunlight. This permanent effect lasts for 1d6 days after you leave a dungeon.
- Roll for an physical aberration as though you received Backlash from a Spell Mishap. No matter what the others think, you like it. Makes you look mysterious and dangerous. Heck, it might even be useful.
- You saw a vision while in your carousing haze. Of things dark and dreadful, of the underworld spreading across the cosmos, of your fate. Gain 1 mulligan only to be used to avoid some dungeon hazard. Until you use it the paranoia is almost overwhelming.
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